SOGO展銷期內登記成為WILLS JEWELLERY會員,即享$100現金折扣以及購物95折優惠!
During SOGO Exhibition period, register as WILLS JEWELLERY member will instantly enjoy $100 shopping discount plus extra 5% off on all items!
會員在生日月份可享神秘優惠 | Member will enjoy special birthday surprise
加入WILLS Whatsapp 通訊群組,獲取最新優惠!
群組會不定期發送獨家優惠及珠寶知識。SOGO展銷期內加入群組可獲贈 彩色寶石擺件 乙件!
Latest offer & jewellery knowledge will be posted in the group, new joiner will receive a gemstone ornament as compliment during Sogo Exhibition